It takes a community to help people heal and live beyond ACEs
Healing from the impacts of ACEs and toxic stress can only be effective when everyone is part of the solution. Here are some ways to get involved:
Be “that someone” a young person can turn to when life gets difficult. Although enduring trauma can cause lasting wear and tear on our bodies and brains, nurturing relationships can restore and heal them. All Californians can provide that needed support to a young person or caregiver in their community by listening, caring, and offering a safe place to process tough experiences and complex feelings.
Learn about ACEs and Toxic Stress. The first step to healing is understanding how ACEs and toxic stress might be impacting our mental and physical health, our relationships, and our lives in general. Then pay it forward by sharing information about ACEs and toxic stress with other people in your community.
Finding a health provider who understands ACEs. The ACEs Aware Clinician Directory lists Medi-Cal providers who have completed Becoming ACEs Aware in California training. These providers can provide ACE screenings.
Share your own story about how to heal from the impacts of ACEs and Toxic Stress. While healing isn’t linear, there are things we can do to heal and grow from the effects of ACEs and toxic stress, for ourselves and the next generation.
Share information about the campaign. Follow us on social media, link to our website, download toolkits, and share information with your networks — both online and offline!
Need help right now? Click here to find it.
Free introductory trainings are available through the ACEs Aware initiative.