I have two siblings, I am the middle child.
A mix of nuclear family, extended family and single-parent household. Partly due to government housing restrictions, there were many years where I lived without my father in the home.
Separation and a parent going through recovery from drug addiction and moving to a new city/state every two to five years through my childhood.
By talking it out, dancing, exercising, venting.
Yes! I have been blessed to meet people who are loving, kind, compassionate and express themselves in beautiful ways. Also people who are on their own healing paths that really speak to mine as well.
I found the traditional school path unbearable and went to independent studies after 9th grade. I started then building community programs and events. I am now 10 years into the arts, culture and activism non-profit world. I work as a consultant with many different organizations.
I think ACES was part of the reason why I was so triggered at school and experienced so much depression and anxiety throughout schooling. It has pushed me to create an intentional life outside of the traditional path that feels good for me to live. It also has led me to do meaningful work that is healing-centered.
I started a group chat for my neighborhood to share things, link up at cafes, go grocery shopping together, ask for resources, share job opportunities etc. It’s a way to combat loneliness and build community. I also started getting back in the habit of calling/texting my friends daily as part of my regular routine. To show my friends they have space in the fabric of my life.
I would love to learn two more languages and see more countries.